Okay I’m 18 and I just started college. So basically I have liked guys attractive and have liked guys from afar like celebrities or people I have never talked too but I have never liked someone for their personality in a romantic way. Like the guys I would have crushes on, I had this fake idea of who they were and I thought I was in love with their perosnality but I just ended up making up who I thought they were. I just don’t understand what it feels like to fall in love with someone’s personality I guess. I’m gay and in the closet so I’ve never dated but I’m just scared I’ll never be in a true relationship because I feel like I’m incapable for falling in love with someone. The relationship would just end up feeling like a friendship. Does anyone have any advice?
It's very hard for someone to give advice on this because we unfortunately don't have full knowledge or an understanding about all of your circumstances, past encounters and criterion regarding what you define as a relationship. That being said, what i gather from your post is that you feel a lot of fear about not exactly matching the standards about finding a relationship and being in one, in a way you "force" yourself to idealize these people whom you thought you liked romantically in the past, falling in love with that version instead of the authentic one. From this, i see that your pushing yourself very hard and darling you can relax about this.
From what you posted, you're closeted, you push yourself to be inclined towards others for who they're not and now you worry about keeping up with everyone else in the romance category- societal pressure is your enemy. So I'd advise you to acknowledge that things will come as they come. Time is often a friend and a healer until you make it your adversary.
you are on your own clock not anybody else's and everybody, no matter how they execute their relationships has absolutely nothing to do with you. When you begin your own relationship without forcing or rushing it that will be something that you make the rules in and you grow personally. Have some self reflection time to decide what's important to you, ask yourself what you want and feel comfortable with that decision because there is no "i "should" feel" there is simply how you do feel. Don't compare yourself to to others. Know yourself and love yourself, and be proud of yourself for exactly who you are, even if that's someone who wants to take their time before falling in love because they want something real.